News | BioDiscovery Institute


The University of North Texas (and Texas A&M) offer congratulations to Richard Dixon for his election as a Fellow of the Royal Society in London, joining the ranks of Issac Newton, Charles Darwin, Stephen Hawking, and countless others!

Congratulations to Rebecca Dickstein for being part of an over $5million NSF Plant Genome grant, together with one of her former graduate students Dr. Catalina Pislariu, who is on the faculty at Texas Woman's University, and a consortium of other scientists.

The Brian Ayre lab is focused on improving crop performance in cotton through altering plant architecture and production. See their recent publication in Plant Physiology, McGarry, R.C., Klocko, A.L., Pang, M., Strauss, S.H., Ayre, B.G. (2017) Virus-induced flowering: An application of reproductive biology to benefit plant research and breeding. Plant Physiology article.

Dr. Ron Mittler along with researchers from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem discovered a drug that almost completely stops breast cancer tumors from developing further. Read more at and see the CBS story about it at

Richard Dixon's lab engineers plant metabolism to produce a variety of products including carbon fibers, chemicals for neurological disorders, and forage crops that reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Congratulations to Kent D. Chapman for coauthoring a significant review article in Trends in Plant Science

Congratulations to Chemistry research faculty member and BDI researcher member Dr. Guido Verbeck for $10,000 for the use of his patented intellectual work.

2016 Presidential Excellence Award - Dr. Richard Dixon