Next Gen Sequencing Services | BioDiscovery Institute

Next Gen Sequencing Services

Next Gen Sequencing Services

The BDI Genomics Center is dedicated to providing high-quality service and offering flexible options that allow personalized service to our users. The genomics core offers Illumina Sequencing using the Illumina NextSeq 500 and Illumina MiSeq sequencing platforms. We are equipped to handle most sample types and workflows offering a variety of library preparation solutions, sequencing, and data analysis solutions for investigating the whole genome, exome, transcriptome, and targeted sequences.


The NextSeq 500 is the right sequencer for any project size. It is the only desktop sequencing system capable of sequencing a high coverage (30x) whole human genome in one run. Its flexible throughput means no waiting to fill a flowcell and thus a quicker turnaround time for your sequencing sample. Because of high and mid output options, the NextSeq can easily shift between high and low throughput projects.


The MiSeq 2 desktop sequencer allows for more focused applications such as targeted gene sequencing, metagenomics, small genome and transcriptome sequencing, targeted gene expression, and amplicon sequencing. Generating up to 25 million reads, the MiSeq sequencer is ideal for reduced representation studies and narrowly focused applications.


Designed to work specifically with downstream applications such as NGS projects, the NanoDrop One assesses sample contaminants and reports the adjusted sample quantity accordingly.


The Qubit has the ability to differentiate between dsDNA, ssDNA, RNA, and protein. Concentration is equal to this signal of fluorescent dye emitted only when the dye binds to the sample being assayed. Most contaminants have no effect on the final result. This makes the Qubit extremely useful when accurate quantitation is needed for downstream applications.


The Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer system analyzes total RNA, small and micro RNAs, and varying sizes of DNA fragments. This chip-based capillary electrophoresis has a low sample consumption of 1µL providing the GC with an effective method of determining fragment size distributions. However, the Bioanalyzer is not equipped for accurate quantification of concentration.This device serves as the indicator of whether a sample can continue for further sequencing.


The Agilent 4200 TapeStation system is fully automated and designed specifically to support Next Generation Sequencing workflows. Many sample types can be analyzed on the TapeStation, including total RNA, labeled RNA, small and micro RNAs, as well as small and large DNA fragments.The most notable improvement this technology brings to our facility is its scalability. Even when investigating the quality of a single sample, the TapeStation allows for a constant cost. No longer does a lab have to waste funds because it is forced to pay in 12 sample increments.