Crystal Garrett-McEwen Lab Facilities and Purchasing Manager Crystal.garrett@unt.edu 940-565-2389 Life Sciences Complex B128 |
- Purchasing-- supplies and equipment
- Facilities related questions
- Maintenance/building related questions or problems (SRB Building rep)
- Key requests
- Phones and telecom liaison
- Reconcile PCards
- Inventory-- assets including computers, computer roll-outs
- Annual space survey
- Conference room scheduling (SRB 120 and SRB 254 )
Shelley Schaffer BDI Admin Coordinator shelley.schaffer@unt.edu 940-565-2491 (BDI number) Life Sciences Complex B123 |
- BDI general mailbox
- General BDI questions
- Human resources liaison- new positions/ ending positions
- Time keeping- hourly/salaried employees
- BDI email lists-BDI-members/ BDI-All
- International office liaison—visas and immigration
- Travel related questions and reimbursements
- Tracking grad student progress
- BDI Education and Outreach committee liaison
- Distinguished Seminar Series Committee Coordination
- BDI Retreat coordination
- BDI Seminar Series Coordination
- UNT acclimation
- BDI correspondence/ meeting minutes/ BDI records
- BDI Expo Coordination
- BDI Board Meetings coordination
- Research and Innovation coordination
- COS and UNT Communication Liaison
- Payment Set Up for Non-Employees
- BDI TV loops
- BDI Social Calendar Coordination
- UNT Research Day Liaison
- BDI Social Media
Martha Frantz BDI Budget Analyst Martha.Frantz@unt.edu 940-565-2301 Life Science Complex B126 |
- Grant Account Assistance
- Startup Assistance
- Indirect Cost (IDC) Accounts
- Effort Reporting Liaison
- Backup Purchasing
- Account reconciliation, cleanup, re-budgeting
- Budget assistance for new awards including chartstring set up and budget needs
- Automated Budget Authorization (ABA), Inter Departmental Transfer (IDT), or Cost Transfer
(CT) assistance
- Assistance on budgets for proposals
- Reconcile PCards
- Scholarship Set-up and Payout
- Payroll tracking- including leave for employees on grants
- OGCA/VPRI Liaison
Samara (Sam) Cahill Proposal Manager Samara.Cahill@unt.edu 940-565-3469 SRB 134
- Proposal opportunity searches
- Application checklists
- Proposal team coordination (group emails, schedule polls, room reservation, Zoom/Teams
- Document collection (biosketches, COAs, CPS, Synergistic Activities; Letters of Support
or Commitment)
- Interpretation of official guidelines (solicitation/FOA, PAPPG, etc.)
- Editing/proofreading/compliance check of proposal drafts
- Contacting Program Officers
- SciENcv delegation and formatting of documents (and “My Bibliography” entries)
- Proposal event organization (seminar, workshop, Q&A, townhall)
- Uploading/formatting documents in GRAMS and Research.gov (OAU access only—GCA submits
to agency)
- Access to NORDP online community (National Organization of Research Development Professionals—a
highly useful RD network)
- Dashboard reports (proposals and awards)
- Weekly email listing of opportunity announcements and relevant research events
- Back Up- BDI social media