01/07/2025 Kent Chapman named as President-Elect of ASPB
01/07/2025 UNT faculty among 2024 list of world’s most cited researchers
05/02/2024 Joyti Shah receives Decker Award
10/3/2023 Nearly $3M in U.S. NIH funding will boost UNT health-related research
9/29/2023 Dr. Lee Hughes Receives 2024 ASM Carski Award for Undergraduate Education
7/12/2023 Chemistry student earns USDA fellowship for research with possible implications on food safety
3/31/2023 Future of Fashion-efficiently grown
3/31/2023 Bio-Based Solutions
3/22/2023 Diana Berman receives Fulbright Scholar award to Israel for 2023-2024 academic year
3/20/2023 Crop Policy Framework
3/09/2023 Protecting Crops from Pathogens
3/06/2023 Beyond the Plate
3/01/2023 In pursuit of Alien Genes in Bacteria
11/4/2022 UNT faculty named among the world's most cited researchers
11/2/2022 UNT researcher engineers bacteria to convert greenhouse gases into sustainable products
11/2/2022 Faculty & Staff Spotlight: Elizabeth Skellam, UNT
3/28/2022 Chan receives $1.5M NIH grant to explore protein and cellular engineering
3/09/2022 Sustainable Plant-Based Fuel
2/17/2022 Roadmap to Research Success
2/17/2022 Protecting the Environment
2/06/2022 Student team genetically modifies bacteria to mitigate greenhouse gases
1/28/2022 Diana Berman receives VPRI Early Career Award for Research and Creativity
11/01/2021 Broader Impacts of Plant Communication
10/25/2021 Plant Scientists Develop New Methods for Cotton Research
10/01/2021 Converting Greenhouse Gases into Sustainable Products
09/29/2021 Plant Research Inspired Art Sculptures
09/23/2021 Engineering Hybrid Protein Compatibility
09/01/2021 Coordinated Stress Response in Plants
06/10/2021 Kent Chapman Named Fellow of American Society of Plant Biologists
06/02/2021 UNT Researchers want to lower bloat and increase nutrition in animal feed
04/29/2021 Three BDI researchers with career citiation in top 2% of discipline
04/28/2021 Taming a Toxin-Producing Fungus
04/01/2021 Looking for magic in the Mushrooms
02/06/2021 Increasing Crop Resiliency
1/26/2021 Study examining G-Proteins in plants may have future implications for increased crop resiliency
1/21/2021 UNT celebrates faculty on Highly Cited Researchers 2020 list
11/20/2020 Advancing Renewable Energy Research
10/30/2020 Producing More Efficient Bioenergy
9/4/2020 Combining Stress Signals
8/4/2020 International Symposium on Plant Lipids Honors Professor and Former Student
7/13/2020 UNT unravels a secret of the desert southwest
4/15/2020 More Efficiently Diagnosing Cancer
02/13/2020 Discovering the secret of longevity in Ginkgo biloba trees
12/19/2019 Unlocking the secrets of plant energy
11/20/2019 Introducing bacterial focus to UNT's BioDiscovery Institute
09/23/2019 UNT biofuel research boosted by $2.3 million U.S. Department of Energy grant
06/07/2019 Rediscovering decades-old solution to a modern problem
03/15/2019 SMART Talks Presents: Dr. Rebecca Dickstein
02/20/2019 UNT: Home to the experts' experts
12/20/2018 At the forefront of genomics
12/19/2018 Discovery through collaboration
12/18/2018 Improving the environmental footprint of forages for livestock
12/18/2018 Using plant genes for sustainable agriculture
12/6/2018 UNT professor studies how to squeeze more seed oil from the common pennycress weed
11/27/2018 Distinguished UNT professor elected into the Royal Society